Saturday, March 1, 2008

Kara 2/29/08

Here's my WWS report for Kara last night. It was a very good run, only 3 hours, all bosses :-) Decent loot, but nothing too special, alas, a number of shards were made.

Unfortunately, there is something wrong with either my CombatLog, or the WWS parser and it screwed up a few things: Total DPS for players is screwed up and shows negative values (if you view just Boss fights, the correct values show up) and for some reason the Prince fight doesn't show up under the Boss fights :-(. If someone else managed to catch the fight in their combat log, please WWS it to see if you get correct numbers - I dont know what I did wrong :-/

Nerf chain heal! Derek pwned the druids healing last night. On the otherhand, Bill and I had considerably less overheal. In fact, during some fights, especially the earlier ones, I did very little healing and basically just sat around decursing. I jumped around, fiddled with my UI, checked the weather (Its nice healing primarily with HOTS, I can put a 3 stack of lifebloom and a rejuv on the tank, alt-tab, check the weather, alt-tab back and refresh lifebloom). I bet we could do Kara now with just 2 healers.... Yummy speed runs.

I think I'm gonna start keeping note of what loot drops, just to have more interesting things to say in this blog...

Anyway, here's the report again; please somebody see if they can get a fixed version out there and post here or let me or Pam know and we'll post here. Or, better yet, if anyone else would like to post here, please let me know in game or email me at wbeck85 at vt dot edu and I'll invite you to the blog. The more posters, the better!

Happy gaming folks.

EDIT: Next time I leave the instance, I'm turning off the combat log. During the run from the main enterance to the back door, the combat log recorded the pvp fighting going on outside. I think this screwed with my report, and I've spend quite some time sifting through the Actors that WWS detected trying to find which ones were real mobs and which ones were PVPers, it has been a pain and may have contributed to the problems.

EDIT: I ended up trimming out the portion of the combat log where I was outside the instance, though it still didnt fix the DPS/Prince problem.

EDIT: Here's my CombatLog. I included the original and one with the outside-of-Kara stuff cut out. Maybe someone can make it make sense.


Pam said...
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Pam said...

Here's Robby's WWS report, but it's missing everything before Moroes: