Friday, January 11, 2008

New 70s

Heya guys, I finally got Will to hook me up with posting access here. :) I thought I'd give a shout-out to the folks who recently hit level 70. We had a lot of busy levellers over the holidays!

Grats to:

Rob (Bobodin and Mindflayer)
Will (Glafour)
Don (Viletta)
Trey (Ytooj hit 70 in December)
Boykin (Saiyanjab)
John (Netulta)

And grats to the soon to be 70's:
Steve (Craghack, currently 69)
Michael (Kinnadin, currently 67)
Derek (Blastadin, currently 65)
Bill (Syriana, currently 65, level faster! ^_^)

If I left anyone out, please let me know either in game or in a comment to this post.

Now that a lot of you are newly 70 hopefully we'll be seeing a lot of 5-mans run :). I love 5-man instances.

1 comment:

Will Beckwith said...

Go go Fivemans!

Its nice to be done with an instance in an hour and a half or less when things go well. Maybe they're only blues your getting but I'll be eager to get rid of my quest greens.

PS, I hope that this site sort of catches on. If it gets used by more than just you an me, I'll consider hosting a FG site independent of something like Blogger. doesnt sound to bad, a little long, but somewhat catchy :-)